After a long wait, we finally got one of the world’s best trials riders, Duncan Shaw, down to Poole to check out our famous headquarters. If you somehow don’t know who Duncan Shaw is, he’s a professional trials rider from Inverness, Scotland. He spends his days hopping on top of, then throwing himself off some incredible street features.

We’ve been trying to get him down for a long time, so when he finally made it we had to make the most of his time with us. We gave him a tour of the office and workshop, and he showed you around on Instagram stories. He even had a quick game of table football for good measure, playing for Scotland, of course. But from the minute he walked in, he was eyeing up some spots around the property to do something rad on.

After filming a Clean, Protect, Lube video with us working on his e-bike, it was time for some lunch, which mainly consisted of Duncan trying to persuade everyone to let him have a ride around the office on his trials bike.
And in true Muc-Off fashion, we couldn’t say no! So we cleared a few desks, grabbed some cameras and let him loose.
Here’s what he got up to…