Create content - Get free stuff!


Sounds too good to be true right? Well it’s not! The 94th Battalion is our loyalty scheme where you can earn points and exchange them for money off your next order. There are a bunch of ways to earn points but our favourite is by doing what you love the most. Riding bikes! We wanna see your best clips and we want to share them with the community on our site. Here’s how it works.


Step 1: Check out the 94th Battalion Page to see what this month’s theme is

Step 2: Film some content! go have some fun and get creative

Step 3: Don’t like the theme? F**K it make some other content

Step 4: Upload it you your insta, Tag us @mucoff use #muc-off and #94thbattalion

Step5: We’ll go through all the recent tags and then….



Check out some recent content: