POOLE 17.01.2020, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — Muc-Off announces donation of over £7,500 to environmental charity Marine Conservation Society.

The engagement began as a result of an administrative error by Muc-Off between 2012 and 2016 around recycling business waste. Although the company has been recycling waste and packaging from their HQ for over a decade, there was a period from 2012 to 2016 when - as a small family business - it was unaware that once its turnover reached a certain threshold it had to register for a packaging recovery scheme. Since 2016, Muc-Off has been registered with the recovery scheme and the business now meets or exceeds (where possible) the scheme’s criteria.

Muc-Off chose to donate the fine given by the environmental agency to the Marine Conservation Society to compensate for this administrative error. This UK-based charity organises regular beach cleans including in the area local to the Muc-Off HQ in Poole as well as tackling plastic packaging pollution in our seas.

“Managing a fast-growing family business and ensuring we are always up-to-date with ever-changing regulations is a challenge, but one I whole-heartedly commit to, especially when it concerns protecting the playground that our business depends on. In relation to the packaging recovery scheme, as soon as we realised we had not registered, we made sure we signed up to it as a priority, as well as offsetting the error by donating to the Marine Conservation Charity.” – Alex Trimnell, Muc-Off Managing Director

As a brand which has been built on driving environmental changes the below summary of some of the key steps over the company’s 25 year history:

  • Inception of fully Biodegradable bike cleaner in 1994
  • Introduction of Concentrate range to reduce single use plastic in 2012
  • Launch of carbon positive tyre sealant in 2018
  • Introduction of Refill stations across the UK driving consumers to refill from their local bike shop in 2019
  • Removal of P.T.F.E (Teflon) from use in all products in 2019

The brand has recently made a commitment to deliver a multitude of environmentally focused improvements as part of their recently launched Project Green initiative, which includes the elimination of 30+ tonnes of plastic. Future developments, updates and new partnerships will be announced via the Project Green website and through the Muc-Off social channels.Â